Are you kidding me?
I'm not sure if I'm more horrified by your mockery of science or by the positive reviews you're getting for this ludicrous and trite amalgamation.
Positive points: The animation was decent, the sound was good, the aesthetic presentation was well done.
However, the content of this submission is inexcusable. And even more horrible is the influence it is apparently having on people. You are passing off non-professional judgments, random unrelated truths, and random unrelated /mis/truths as evidence.
I question how you can even in sound mind call this science unless you honestly have no idea what science is. Thus, a brief explanation is in order. Science is a method of observation and testing by which we increase our knowledge of the universe. Its basis is in the application of statistical reasoning about our universe. It is essentially a rigorous system of skepticism. None of your points are testable, or even really meaningful. Many, in the series as a whole, are just wrong. For example, being 'right' or 'left' brained is not a thing. Even just a quick look on Wikipedia for lateralization of brain function would have told you that. You cite no studies. You cite no experimental verification. You lack the ability to assert your statement in a scientific way, and what you are saying is not science, you just want to call it that.
A lot of the points in this video are just interesting facts about geometry, but then there's no proof for spiritual involvement, just verification of geometric principles. Further, everything is most certainly not geometric in nature. A basic understanding of our current conception of quantum interaction indicates a probabilistic universe. But really that is not even necessary to refute your point, as you claim thoughts too are bound geometrically. However, abstract objects do not exist in reality, and thus do not have geometric properties. If you want to make a metaphysical claim that they do, you have a lot more philosophical work to do, and that is a highly contentious point.
Your claims also fall short of the usual primary problems with religion, which this "spirit science" is most assuredly, by the way. You have no proof for abstract casual objects, yet assert their existence. However, it seems a fact of this universe that abstract casual objects cannot exist. If they do, I have seen no verifiable studies motivating their existence, so for you to assert one, you would first have to motivate your claims with research, rather than baseless whimsy.
The point of this review isn't really for your edification, as you seem, based on your responses to other reviews, unwilling to actually think. However, I hope that people will actually post truthfully about this garbage rather than let positive reviews mount up. Honestly, its really depressing for me to see, not only these stupid assertions be made, and I will maintain they are stupid unless you can actually motivate them with real scientific work rather than what you feel is pretty and nice in your fake mental construct of what you'd like reality to be, but people swallow them without question.
Use your brains, people.
I'm honestly not sure if the positive reviews are trolls, but even if they are, even a fake validation of your pseudoscientific mental vomit should not be done.